


2022-12-25 04:52:04






特伦顿比赛之后,“有偿比赛”在全美迅速展开。为了保护参加“有偿比赛”选手的利益, 1898年各地的球队成立了第一个职业篮球组织——“国家联盟”(NBL)。由于种种原因,NBL仅仅经过三四个赛季便名存实亡了。

1945年,第二次世界大战刚刚结束,体育经纪人看准了这一点,他们联络11支球队老板,发起成立了BAA这个组织。BAA是NBA的前身,NBA的真正生日应该是1946年6月6日,这一天,纽约中央车站附近的“舰长饭店”里,BAA(BOSKETBALL ASSOCIATON OF AMERICA)——全美篮球协会的 “亚当”和“夏娃”们召开了成立大会,会议确定11支参赛球队和每队要进行60场常规赛。






NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写(国家篮球协会)。成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮协会(Basketball Association of America),是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。BAA成立时共11支球队:纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、华盛顿国会队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城武士队、匹兹保铁人队、普罗维登斯蒸气队、圣路易斯轰炸机队和多伦多爱斯基摩人队。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA的球队达到29支。2002年12月29日(北京时间)是NBA历史上又一个值得铭记的重要日子。在这一天,经由全联盟扩展委员会(Expansion Committee)的委员们一致推荐、联盟董事会最终批示通过了一项重要决定,即在NBA原有的29支球队之外再在夏洛特市补充一支新军,这样便使得全联盟的球队总数达到了30支。


1995's labor problems between the National Basketball Association, the National Basketball Players Association and a group of so-called "dissident players" who are attempting to decertify the union have caused basketball fans to wonder aloud "what happened to the 'partnership' between the players and owners and when did their relationship become so adversarial?" The relative obscurity of the league until the 1980s has hidden the fact that labor negotiations between the league and it's players have always been painful, litigious, and drawn out.

The salary cap in sports is nothing new. Its origin in basketball can be traced back to the league's $55,000 salary cap for the league's first season, 1946-47. Most players earned between $4,000 and $5,000, but there were a few exceptions. Tom King of the Detroit Falcons for example. He drew the league's highest salary, $16,500, not solely because of his playing ability, but also due to his front office duties as the team's publicity director and business manager. Philadelphia's star scorer, Joe Fulks, pulled in $8,000 for his league-leading 23.2 points a game (King's rookie season was a bit less successful. He averaged 5.1 points in his only year and the Falcons went out of business following the season).

From 1946 to 1949 the top players managed to use the leverage of two rival leagues, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League, to carve out a fair existence for themselves. George Mikan, the premier player of the era, signed a five-year contract with the Chicago American Gears worth $60,000 plus incentives in 1946; Bob Davies of the Rochester Royals, considered the top guard in basketball, was rewarded with a four-year, $50,000 contract; and Jim Pollard, a Hall of Fame forward, signed with the Minneapolis Lakers for $12,000 a year in 1947. The BAA was able to convince four of the best NBL franchises: Minneapolis (which featured Mikan and Pollard), along with Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and Rochester (who brought Davies) into switching leagues in an effort to exert their superiority. The NBL was far from dead however, and in 1949, after the NBL stunned the BAA by awarding a franchise to a group of former college stars from the University of Kentucky (which included All-Americans Alex Groza and Frank Beard, both top prospects), who would then each draw a salary of $10,000. The two leagues, which had been bitter rivals, merged to form the National Basketball Association, leaving the players with two options: play for the salary the NBA offered you or play Amateur Athletic Union basketball for a company team (such as the Phillips 66ers, Akron Goodyears or Peoria Caterpillers), an option which a few of the top players, including Clyde Lovellette, Jim Pollard and George Yardley chose.

Economic conditions continued unchanged through 1954, at which point Bob Cousy, the league's top player, began to organize the NBPA, which would become the first team sports player's union. Cousy began by writing to an established player from each of the league's teams (Paul Arizin of Philadelphia, Carl Braun of New York, Bob Davies of Rochester, Paul Hoffman of Baltimore, Andy Phillip of Fort Wayne, Pollard, Dolph Schayes of Syracuse and Don Sunderlage of Milwaukee) in hopes of encouraging solidarity among the players. All but Phillip responded positively (of all the owners, Fort Wayne's Fred Zollner, who owned a machine works plant, was the staunchest union opponent and this prevented the Pistons players from participating), and Cousy next went to NBA President Maurice Podoloff at the January, 1955 NBA All-Star Game with a list of concerns: payment of back salaries to the members of the defunct Baltimore Bullets club; establishment of a twenty-game limit on exhibition games, after which the players should share in the profits; abolition of the $15 "whispering fine" which referees could impose on a player during a game; payment of $25 expenses for public appearances other than radio, television or certain charitable functions; establishment of an impartial board of arbitration to settle player-owner disputes; moving expenses for traded players; and payment of player salaries in ten installments rather that twelve, to provide more money to players cut during the season. Podoloff agreed to the payment of two weeks' salary to six players who had played for Baltimore before the franchise folded and committed to meeting with the player representatives within two weeks over their concerns.

Podoloff and league owners continued to put off the players until Cousy met with AFL-CIO officials over possible union affiliation in January of 1957. The league then agreed to bargain in good faith with the players union following the season. In April, the NBA Board of Governors formally recognized the NBPA and agreed to their terms:

-a probationary abolition of the whisper fine

-a seven dollar per diem and other reasonable traveling expenses

-an increase in the 1957-58 playoff pool

-regular players would no longer be required to report to training camp earlier than four weeks prior to the season

-elimination of exhibition games within three days of the season opener or on the day prior to a regular season game with a limit of three exhibition games during the season

-player contracts would be mailed no later than September 1st

-referral of player-owner disputes to the NBA League President or a committee of three NBA Governors to be chosen by the player

-considerate treatment for the player in regards to radio and television appearances

-reasonable moving expenses for a player traded during the season.

In 1958, following the victory of the fledgling union, Cousy would resign his position as NBPA President after becoming frustrated with nonpayment of the $10 annual union dues by many of the players. His replacement as head of the union would be his Boston teammate Tom Heinsohn.

Under Heinsohn's leadership, the union would assume a more aggressive approach regarding negotiations with the league. Heinsohn, Schayes and Richie Guerin of New York reached an agreement with the owners in January of 1961 over a player pension. The owners agreed in principle to a pension plan for the league's players, with details to be worked out in meetings to begin in February after the players had set a goal of $100 a month at age 65 for players with five years of service and $200 a month at age 65 for players with ten years of service.

Talks failed to bring an agreement and in 1962, after meeting with several candidates, Heinsohn hired attorney Lawrence Fleisher as the union's General Counsel in an effort to obtain a pension plan and achieve other union goals (which included the standardization of the use of team trainers, the elimination of Saturday night games preceding Sunday afternoon television games, a increase in player per diem, a reduction in preseason games, and player free agency).

Little progress occurred until the January 1964 All-Star Game. The game was important national television exposure for the league, and also presented a unique opportunity for the players. The players threatened to not play the game over the lack of a pension agreement. Minutes before game time NBA President Walter Kennedy gave his personal guarantee that adoption of a pension plan would occur at the next owners meeting, which took place in May when they approved a plan in which they would contribute 50% toward the purchase of a $2,000 endowment policy.

Heinsohn would continue as NBPA President until Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati succeeded him in 1966. Robertson's first major move was to announce at the January 1967 All-Star Game that the players would ask the owners that they be paid for exhibition games, that the limit on the number of exhibitions be reduced from 15 to 10, and that the NBPA hopes to meet with representatives of Major League Baseball and National Football League players concerning more unity among professional athletes. Tensions between the union and owners escalated until the owners announced in March that the playoff would be canceled unless the players gave assurances that they would "comply with their contracts" and participate in the playoffs as scheduled. The union then responded by threatening to file for certification with the National Labor Relations Board and to strike the playoffs in an effort to upgrade their pension plan. The dispute was settled soon after, with the players receiving an agreement which included:

-a $600 a month pension for players with ten years of service at age 65 and retroactively to the beginning of the career for all active players

-new medical and insurance benefits

-elimination of games played immediately before the All-Star Game

-an 82-game limitation on the regular season

-discussion of exhibition game pay

-formation of a committee to review the standard player contract before the 1967-68 season

Prior to the 1968-69 season, the union and NBA agreed on their first revision of the standard players contract which would increase salaries with the minimum rookie salary raised to $10,000 for 1968-69 and $13,000 in 1970-71 and the minimum pensioned veteran's salary raised to $12,500 in 1968-69 and $13,500 in 1969-70.

With the formation of a new rival league, the American Basketball Association, in 1967, the players' salaries again began to increase. With players such as Rick Barry, Billy Cunningham and Zelmo Beaty jumping to the new league for bigger contracts, and with the new league's success in signing top college talent like Mel Daniels and Spencer Haywood, the NBA soon opened talks with the ABA about a possible merger of the two leagues. As a merger drew near in 1970, the players filed the "Oscar Robertson Suit", an antitrust suit to block any merger; do away with the option clause which bound a player to a team in perpetuity; the college draft, which limited the player to negotiating with one club; and restrictions on free agent signings; and seeking compensation for damages incurred in the past due to the option clause. The union then received a restraining order to block any merger, and the talks then died. The acrimony didn't block a new labor agreement however, as the NBPA came to a three-year labor agreement with the NBA in October of 1970 with an increase in minimum salaries, the playoff pool and the per diem allowance.

After attempts to work out a compromise with the players in 1971 and to get Congressional approval for a merger in 1972 failed, the NBPA (now led by NBPA President Paul Silas of Boston who replaced Robertson in 1975) and the league reached a tentative agreement giving players free agency with their teams awarded compensation through 1980 (with the compensation of cash, players or draft choices determined by the NBA Commissioner) after which the player's former team would hold the right of first refusal on any free agent signings; limiting a teams rights to a drafted player to one year after which he would go back into the draft a second time if unsigned; ending the option clause in all contracts (with the exception of one-year rookie contracts); and paying about 500 players $4.3 million as a settlement and $1 million for the union's legal fees, pending agreement of a new collective bargaining agreement and dismissal of the Oscar Robertson Suit. Along with a new six-year collective bargaining agreement which brought with it an increase in pension benefits; the minimum salary (from $20,000 to $30,000); the per diem; medical and dental coverage, term life insurance; the playoff pool; and player's shares for the All-Star Game, the players could claim a major victory. While the leagues did indeed merge, the players now could negotiate with more than one club, insuring a better position for contract negotiation.

Following a new three-year collective bargaining agreement (which included increases in the minimum salary, elimination of no-trade agreements in player contracts in 1980) and Silas' resignation as union head in order to become coach of the San Diego Clippers, financial health of the league became a major concern. Numerous franchises suffered from serious losses, headed by Cleveland, Denver, Indiana, Kansas City, San Diego and Utah. Some, including Kansas City and San Diego, nearly provoked a player strike in 1982 as they fell behind on their deferred payments to former players, as the league totaled an estimated $80 million to $90 million in deferred money owed to players. With the very real threat of the loss of franchises and player jobs, the union, now led by its new president Bob Lanier, agreed to a new four-year collective bargaining agreement in March of 1983 after strained negotiations and the threat of a player strike. The agreement was ground breaking for professional sports as it included:

- a salary cap guarantying the players between 53% and 57% of the NBA's gross revenues (gate receipts, local and national television and radio revenue and preseason and postseason revenue)

-$500,000 a year in licensing revenue

-a guarantee that the league will maintain 253 player jobs even if there is a reduction in the number of teams

The 1983 agreement would prove to be a major turning point for the league. An amendment later in the year which implemented the NBA's first league-wide substance abuse policy, proved to be a big step in cleaning up the league's image problems, and brilliant young players like Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan excited the fans.

The financial well-being of the league improved under Commissioner David Stern, who assumed the position in 1984, but in 1987 the owners and players clashed over the salary cap, right of first refusal and college draft. Following a brief signing moratorium and a failed attempt at an antitrust suit by a player group headed by NBPA President Junior Bridgeman of Milwaukee, and the threat of union decertification, an agreement on a six-year collective bargaining agreement is reached, including:

-continuation of the salary cap; guarantying the players 53% of the leagues revenues

-reducing the college draft to three rounds in 1988 and two rounds in 1989

-eliminating of the right of first refusal after a player completes his second contract with unrestricted free agency for certain veteran players

-the inclusion of five-year veterans who finished their careers prior to 1965 in the pension plan.

Mutual good will continued under the cap until 1991, at which point the NBPA discovered that the league had underreported their income by excluding revenues from luxury suite rentals, playoff ticket sales and arena signage. After a legal dispute in which the league argued that the income fell outside of the defined revenues of the salary cap, and an increase of a total of $92.7 in player salaries and pension funding due to a ruling in favor of the union, the players would no longer look at their agreement with ownership as the "partnership" Stern had frequently proclaimed it.

Creative accounting would open loopholes in the cap as the restructuring of contracts, early termination clauses, one-year contracts and balloon payments provided means for teams to circumvent the cap in order to sign players. Following the completion of the labor deal in 1994, the league and players managed to reach a no-strike, no-lockout agreement to protect the 1994-95 season, playing under the previous agreement in hopes of striking a new deal during the season. Talks were unsuccessful, and a lockout was imposed by the owners following the completion of the 1995 NBA Finals in an effort by the owners to put pressure on the players. When the union (represented by NBPA President Buck Williams of Portland and NBPA Executive Director Simon Gourdine) reached a highly-secretive agreement with the league (represented by NBA Commissioner David Stern and NBA Deputy Commissioner Chief Operating Officer Russ Granik) which included a luxury tax, rookie salary cap and other provisions designed to tighten the salary cap; a group of players led by Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing began an effort to decertify the union. Noting the concerns over possible restrictions on player movement, the player representatives chose not to ratify the agreement and sent it back for further negotiation. In August, after the union had imposed a deadline to pressure the league into concessions, the luxury tax was dropped and exceptions for veteran free agents were restored in a revised agreement. The group seeking decertification remained unsatisfied and chose to press for an end to the union in hopes that it would provide the players with a means to sue the league under antitrust law to end the salary cap, college draft and restrictions on free agency. A decertification election was then held in September of 1995, with the players voting 226-134 against, a few days later player representatives voted 25-2 in favor of ratifying the agreement. The owners quickly voted 24-5 in favor of the agreement and the owner-imposed lockout was lifted days later. The contract remained unsigned until June of 1996 when the players and owners finalized the deal. The final agreement included:

-unrestricted free agency for all players following the conclusion of their contracts

-a guarantee of 48.04% of all Basketball Related Income to the players, which now included luxury suites, international television and arena signage

-various player exemptions to the cap, with the league keeping the so-called "Larry Bird Exemption" which allowed teams to re-sign their own free agents at any price

-shortening of the college draft to one round, beginning in 1998

-rookie salary cap with a graduated scale depending on the position a player is drafted, allowing him free agency after his third season.

The Rookie salary cap proved to be a windfall for the players. Draft choices such as Kevin Garnett (six years, $121 million) and Rasheed Wallace (six years, $80 million) and Bryant Reeves (six years, $65 million) all received huge contract extensions, while others like Antionio McDyess, Damon Stoudamire, Joe Smith and Jerry Stackhouse were traded before they could become free agents.

Another perceived problem was the loss of control over the players. After Latrell Sprewell was suspended by the league for a year and had his contract terminated by Golden State after an attack on coach P.J. Carlesimo, an arbitrator ruled that the penalty was to harsh, shortening his suspension to the remainder of the season and reinstating his contract, citing past penalties for violence by players.

During the 1997-98 season the NBA owners voted to re-open the collective bargaining agreement, claiming losses by 13 teams. The union, now led by its new Patrick Ewing of New York and Executive Director William Hunter, is expected to meet owner demands (including greater authority for the Commissioner in disciplining the players, an inclusion of marijuana in the league's drug testing and a hard salary cap), with resistance, citing the league's new four-year $2.4 billion television deal with NBC and Turner Sports as a counter to the plea of poverty and looking to restore the league's middle class and curb control of the Commissioner ability to impose punishment over players. Provisions in the television contracts guarantying the owners money even in the event of a work stoppage, and the failure of the rookie salary cap to curtail big contacts to young players may bring about a lockout during the summer and lead to the loss of games for the first time in the league's history.


1、1896年,美国第一个篮球组织——全国篮球联盟(National Basketball League,简称NBL)成立,但当时篮球规则还不完善,组织机构也不健全,经过几个赛季后,该组织就名存实亡了。

2、1946年4月6日,由美国波士顿花园老板沃尔特·布朗发起,十一家冰球馆与体育馆的老板共同成立了全美篮球协会(Basketball Association of America,简称BAA)。

3、1949年8月3日,美国两大篮球组织BAA和NBL合并成立美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association,简称NBA)。








11、1970年,新加入的3支球队分别是,克里夫兰骑士队、波特兰开拓者队、布法罗勇敢者队(洛杉矶快船队),联盟球队总数上升至17支。NBA联盟决定正式分区,当时成立的赛区分别有:大西洋赛区、中部赛区、太平洋赛区 和中西赛区。











The origin of the NBA

In 1891, Americans James Naish Dr. Smith of Springfield College in Massachusetts, in order for students to find a way of winter sports training in 1891 with 2-breaking basket and a substitution of football has created a basketball This has been in full swing today's NBA. The NBA in June 6, 1946 when it was born, we have a strange name of the BAA.

The emergence and development of NBA basketball was 50 years ago, and the accumulation of sediment. Since 1891, basketball was invented, Dr. James Smith Naish, in 1898, Trenton, New Jersey with a team of 25 U.S. dollars to rent the hall to a local audience to the game ticket. After the squadron leader in dividends Cooper organizations active competition, first received 1 U.S. dollars. The "paid basketball," Encyclopedia Britannica was first identified as "professional basketball."

Trenton game, "paid game" in the United States rapidly. In order to protect the "paid game," the interests of the players, in 1898 set up around the team's first professional basketball - "National Alliance" (NBL). Due to the economic strength of the team and a far cry from the level of technology, combined with the absence of a mature market rules and operational experience, NBL after only three or four of the season will exist in name only. 30's, NBL in a number of small and medium-sized cities in the recovery of some small league. However, due to lack of sufficient funds to promote sales, basketball's influence has not formed.

In 1945, the Second World War has just ended, the loneliness of the long-standing sports agent saw this, they contact the 11 team owners, BAA has initiated the establishment of the organization. BAA is the NBA's predecessor, NBA's real birthday is on June 6, 1946, the day, near the Central Station, New York, "Captain Hotel", BAA (BOSKETBALL ASSOCIATON OF AMERICA) - National Basketball Association's "Adam" And "Eve" who held the inaugural meeting, the meeting decided that 11 teams and each team must carry 60 regular season games.

BAA by the 11 ice hockey stadium and the Museum of bosses, co-sponsored set up its mind to allow ice hockey stadium in the game other than when cold unlikely free market. Stadium bosses of these operators for the stadium is the expert, for their NBA "National Basketball League," the team more focused on a number of central and western regions, the small city of reality must be made at the time of the establishment of local well-known cities Team, the establishment of a nationwide organization of the concept of basketball. In the regular season, each of the alliance of the two teams play home and away, and another League team play a home and away. Finally, good or bad performance by lining up a place into the playoffs, the only hope to get into the playoffs won the championship. BAA used a total of 4-48 minutes, man-to-man defense and were prohibited zone. These NBA is still far from the most basic characteristics of amateur basketball.

BAA was one of the sponsors, the Boston Garden Stadium沃尔特阿布Lang's boss at the same time put forward a new concept of professional basketball, that professional basketball must have strong financial support, a player can only be for a club to enter into effect and strict contract , The league's also necessary to establish a reserve system. These contributions to the theory is that the huge amounts of money and the rule of law restricting the introduction of basketball, for the future development has laid a NBA salary and contract the cornerstone of the two.

In 1949, with the NBL after the annexation of BAA, in order to avoid potential legal trouble, formally changed its name to NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION, that the NBA.

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National Basketball Association

"NBA" redirects here. For other uses, see NBA (disambiguation).

National Basketball Association


[edit] 1940s and 1950s: The early years

Further information: List of NBA seasons

The Basketball Association of America was founded in 1946 by the owners of the major ice hockey arenas in the Northeast and Midwest United States. On November 1, 1946, in Toronto, Canada, the Toronto Huskies hosted the New York Knickerbockers which the NBA now regards as the first game played in the league's history. [3] Although there had been earlier attempts at professional basketball leagues, including the American Basketball League and the National Basketball League, the BAA was the first league to attempt to play primarily in large arenas in major cities. During its early years, the quality of play in the BAA was not significantly better than in competing leagues or among leading independent clubs such as the Harlem Globetrotters. For instance the 1948 ABL finalist Baltimore Bullets moved to the BAA and won its 1948 title, followed by the 1948 NBL champion Minneapolis Lakers who won the 1949 BAA title.

On August 3, 1949, the BAA agreed to merge with the NBL, expanding the National Basketball Association to seventeen franchises located in a mix of large and small cities, as well as large arenas and smaller gymnasiums and armories. In 1950, the NBA consolidated to eleven franchises, a process that continued until 1954, when the league reached its smallest size of eight franchises, all of which are still in the league (the Knicks, Celtics, Warriors, Lakers, Royals/Kings, Pistons, Hawks, and Nationals/76ers).

While contracting, the league also saw its smaller city franchises move to larger cities. The Hawks shifted from "Tri-Cities" (the area now known as the Quad Cities) to Milwaukee (in 1951) and then to St. Louis (in 1955); the Royals from Rochester to Cincinnati (in 1957); and the Pistons from Fort Wayne to Detroit (in 1957). In 1960, the Lakers relocated to Los Angeles, California, and the Warriors moved to San Francisco, California, in 1963. The following year, the Nationals left upstate New York to bring basketball back to Philadelphia, changing their nickname from "Nationals" to "76ers." This means out of the original eight franchises, only the Knicks and Celtics have not relocated at any point.

Although Japanese-American Wataru Misaka technically broke the NBA color barrier in the 1947-48 season when he played for the New York Knicks, 1950 is recognized as the year the NBA integrated with the addition of African American players by several teams including Chuck Cooper with the Boston Celtics, Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton with the New York Knicks, and Earl Lloyd with the Washington Capitols. Today, more than fifty years later, the NBA is made up of players of many different races, with diverse backgrounds and cultures. Over 80% of NBA players today are African American.

During this period, the Minneapolis Lakers, led by center George Mikan, won five NBA Championships and established themselves as the league's first dynasty. To encourage shooting and discourage stalling, the league introduced the 24-second shot clock in 1954. If a team does not attempt to score a field goal (or the ball doesn't make contact with the rim) within 24 seconds of obtaining the ball, play is stopped and the ball given to its opponent.

In 1957, rookie center Bill Russell joined the Boston Celtics, who already featured guard Bob Cousy and coach Red Auerbach, and went on to lead the club to eleven NBA titles in thirteen seasons. Center Wilt Chamberlain entered the league in 1959 and became the dominant individual star of the 1960s, setting new records in scoring (100) and rebounding (55). Russell's rivalry with Chamberlain became one of the great individual rivalries in the history of American team sports.

[edit] 1960s: Celtics dynasty

Through this period, the NBA continued to strengthen with the shift of the Minneapolis Lakers to Los Angeles, the Philadelphia Warriors to San Francisco, and the Syracuse Nationals to Philadelphia, as well as the addition of its first expansion franchises. The Chicago Packers (now Washington Wizards) became the 9th NBA team in 1961. From 1966 to 1968, the league expanded from nine teams to fourteen, introducing the Chicago Bulls, Seattle Supersonics, San Diego Rockets (who relocated to Houston four years later), Milwaukee Bucks, and Phoenix Suns. Then in the 1970s, it was extended to seventeen teams as the Portland Trail Blazers, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Buffalo Braves (now the Los Angeles Clippers) all made their debuts.

In 1967, the league faced a new external threat with the formation of the American Basketball Association. The leagues engaged in a bidding war. The NBA landed the most important college star of the era, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (then known as Lew Alcindor), who together with Oscar Robertson led the Milwaukee Bucks to a title in his second season, and who later played on five Laker championship teams.

However, the NBA's leading scorer, Rick Barry jumped to the ABA, as did four veteran referees—Norm Drucker, Earl Strom, John Vanak, and Joe Gushue.

[edit] 1970s: The NBA vs. the ABA

The American Basketball Association also succeeded in signing a number of major stars, including Julius Erving, in part because it allowed teams to sign college undergraduates. The NBA expanded rapidly during this period, one purpose being to tie up the most viable cities. From 1966 to 1974, the NBA grew from nine franchises to 18; the New Orleans Jazz (now in Utah) came aboard in 1974. Then, following the 1976 season, the leagues reached a settlement that provided for the addition of four ABA franchises to the NBA, raising the number of franchises in the league at that time to 22. The franchises were the San Antonio Spurs, Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers and New York Nets. Some of the biggest stars of this era were Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Rick Barry, Dave Cowens, Julius Erving, Walt Frazier, Artis Gilmore, George Gervin, Dan Issel and Pete Maravich.

[edit] 1980s: Magic vs. Bird

The league added the ABA's innovative three-point field goal beginning in 1979 to open up the game. That same year, rookies Larry Bird and Magic Johnson joined the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers respectively, initiating a period of significant growth in fan interest in the NBA throughout the country and the world. Bird went on to lead the Celtics to three titles, and Johnson went on to lead the Lakers to five. Also in the early '80s, the NBA added one more expansion franchise, the Dallas Mavericks, bringing the total to 23 teams.

[edit] 1990s: The Jordan Era and globalization

Michael Jordan entered the league in 1984 with the Chicago Bulls, providing an even more popular star to support growing interest in the league. This resulted in more cities demanding teams of their own. In 1988 and 1989, four cities got their wishes as the Charlotte Hornets, Miami Heat, Orlando Magic, and Minnesota Timberwolves made their NBA debuts. Globalization also occurred in the 1980s. A growing number of NBA star players also began coming from other countries. Initially, many of these players, such as 1994 NBA MVP Hakeem Olajuwon of Nigeria, first played NCAA basketball to enhance their skills.

In 1991, Susan O'Malley became the first female president of an NBA franchise, when she became the president of the Washington Wizards.

Jordan along with Scottie Pippin would lead the Bulls to six championships in eight years during the 1990s. Olajuwon won back-to-back titles with the Houston Rockets in '94 and '95.

The 1992 Olympic basketball Dream Team, the first to use current NBA stars, featured Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson. In 1995, the NBA expanded to Canada and to 29 teams with the Toronto Raptors and the Vancouver Grizzlies. In 2001, the Vancouver Grizzlies were relocated to Memphis, which left the Toronto Raptors as the only Canadian team in the NBA.

In 1996, the NBA created a women's league, the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). In 1998, the NBA owners began a lockout which lasted 191 days and was settled on January 18, 1999. As a result of this lockout the 1998-99 NBA season was reduced from 82 to 50 games (60%), which were all played in 1999 only, thus calling it the 1999 NBA season. San Antonio won the championship on June 25th by beating the New York Knicks.

In 2004, two years after the Hornets relocation to New Orleans, the NBA returned to North Carolina as the Charlotte Bobcats were formed.

[edit] 2000s: Post-Jordan Western Conference domination

Since the break-up of the Chicago Bulls in the summer of 1998, the Western Conference has dominated the NBA, winning 7 of 9 championships. Tim Duncan and David Robinson won a championship in 1999 with the San Antonio Spurs, and Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant started the 2000s off with the three straight championships with the Los Angeles Lakers. The Spurs won in again 2003 against the Nets, with the Lakers returning to the Finals in the following year, only to fall to the Detroit Pistons (the only championship team since 1998 that didn't have either Tim Duncan or Shaquille O'Neal). In the off-season, O'Neal was traded to the Miami Heat, and the Lakers and Bryant did not win another playoff series until 2008. San Antonio won their third championship in 2005 with a nucleus of Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, and Duncan. In 2006, O'Neal won title number four with the Miami Heat, giving the franchise its first championship. San Antonio then swept LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2007, giving them title four titles in nine years. Between them, O'Neal and Duncan have been to each of the last nine NBA Finals and have won eight out of nine titles. Together, they have won six Finals MVP awards and three league MVPs.

An increasing number of international players have moved directly from playing elsewhere in the world to starring in the NBA, such as:

Andrea Bargnani, Italy — First pick in the 2006 NBA Draft by Toronto Raptors (entered the NBA in 2006)

Pau Gasol, Spain — 2002 NBA Rookie of the Year and 2006 World Championships MVP (entered the NBA in 2001)

Manu Ginobili, Argentina — 2004 Olympic Tournament MVP (drafted in 1999, entered the NBA in 2002)

Andrei Kirilenko, Russia — EuroBasket 2007 MVP (drafted in 1999, entered the NBA in 2001)

Dirk Nowitzki, Germany — MVP of the 2002 World Championships and Eurobasket 2005, and 2007 NBA MVP (entered the NBA in 1998)

Tony Parker, France — 2007 NBA Finals MVP (entered the NBA in 2001)

Peja Stojakovic, Serbia — Eurobasket 2001 MVP (drafted in 1996, entered the NBA in 1998)

Yao Ming, China — First pick in the 2002 NBA Draft (entered the NBA in 2002)

In some occasions, young players from the English-speaking world tend to attend U.S. colleges before playing in the NBA (notable examples are Canadian Steve Nash, 2005 and 2006 MVP, and Australian Andrew Bogut, the top draft pick in 2005), while other international players generally come to the NBA from professional club teams. Currently, the Toronto Raptors have the most international players in the NBA. The NBA is now televised in 212 nations in 42 languages.

In 2001, an affiliated minor league, the National Basketball Development League, now called the NBA Development League (or D-League) was created.

Teams, divisions and conferences of the NBAOn June 29, 2006, a new official game ball was introduced for the 2006-07 season, marking the first change to the ball in over 35 years and only the second in 60 seasons. Manufactured by Spalding, the new ball featured a new design and new synthetic material that Spalding claimed offered a better grip, feel, and consistency than the original ball. However, many players were vocal in their disdain for the new ball, saying that it was too sticky when dry, and too slippery when wet.

On December 11, 2006, Commissioner Stern announced that beginning January 1, 2007, the NBA would return to the traditional leather basketball in use prior to the 2006-2007 season. The change was influenced by frequent player complaints and confirmed hand injuries (cuts) caused by the microfiber ball.[4] The Players' Association had filed a suit in behalf of the players against the NBA over the new ball.[5] As of 2006, the NBA team jerseys are manufactured by Adidas, which purchased the previous supplier, Reebok.

On July 19, 2007, the FBI investigated allegations that veteran NBA referee Tim Donaghy bet on basketball games he officiated over the past two seasons and that he made calls affecting the point spread in those games.[6] On August 15, 2007, Donaghy pleaded guilty to two federal charges related to the investigation. However, he could face more charges if it is determined that he deliberately miscalled individual games.

On February 19, 2008, the NBA declared that the Phoenix Suns and the Denver Nuggets will play the first outdoor game on October 11, 2008, at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden. It will be the first outdoor game in the modern era of the NBA.




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